Top-Tier Data Scientist: This Crypto Cycle Is Your Last Chance To Make Generational Wealth.
Exponential wealth is only possible in markets that are new and inefficient.
I've been in Crypto since 2017.
I'm nonchalantly strolling into my 3rd cycle with an air of confidence this time around.
If I had a penny for every time someone said, "Jay, it's now or never", I'd be knee-deep in cash.
I've learned that's not quite right.
Opportunities in Crypto aren't this one-time occurrence. They consistently present themselves, even in the most formidable bull markets. When my portfolio flew to Mars, like one of Elon Rockets in 2017 and 2021, we had 13 significant drawdowns during both bull markets.
Each of those 26 collective moments would have created a healthy entry point. So, no FOMO, that’s how you get scorched at the altar.
There's no escaping the fact that as these blockchains mature over time, their upside becomes less significant as they're adopted more widely.
Ivan Liljeqvist is a Cryptocurrency genius.
He's a data scientist who started developing games and websites at the age of nine, thanks to the support from his mathematician mom.
Like many of us, his most significant lesson in how the market worked was buying at the top of a bull run during peak market hysteria and feeling the pain of a 3-year bear market.
Ivans says: "I went all-in right at the end of the 2013 cycle, and then everything collapsed, and we entered a bear market". Ouch.
Learning solely from battle scars is a harsh reality with which I resonate.
Like every hero's journey, Ivan licked his wounds, learned from his mistakes, and is now an international speaker at 28, a blockchain educator, and a global phenomenon with 524k YouTube subscribers.
He's issued an alarming warning for people sitting on the sidelines.
Ivan On Tech — Source
“This is the last major cycle when we’re entering a new bull market.
We must realise this is probably our last chance to make insane gains. And when we’re speaking about insane gains, it’s gains that you can retire off — financial freedom for life.
It’s only possible in markets that are very new and inefficient and still not fully discovered, where you have a whole new industry that is becoming big, taking its place in the world, and you’re early.
That’s when these wonders of finance typically happen. It’s the last one because, after this bull market, we will have full financial integration with traditional finance.
After the next bull market, what’s going to happen is that banks are going to merge with Crypto fully.
At the end of the coming bull run, we'll be above 12 trillion, a 10x increase.
In the last two cycles I've experienced, the Crypto market cap has increased by a factor of 10, and the trend is on the same trajectory.
Ivan’s thesis is that this will be the most important and biggest Bull Market you'll ever face because there will be so much integration with the traditional finance space, leading to exponential buy pressure.
Once the technology becomes more widely adopted and accessible to the average person, speculation and volatility decrease, so it's vital to seize the potential while Crypto is still relatively new.
Or, as an old buddy used to say to me, "Jay, there's no such thing as a free lunch — either you're early and risk looking silly, or you have to scrap it out with the rest of the herd".
Ivan believes it's like "having a hidden treasure right in front of us."
But "time is running out because, eventually, all industries become more established, and the opportunity subsides."
Ivan On Tech — Source
“My prediction for this is that we will be above 10 trillion dollars for the entire market cap, and if you compare it to today, we have a 1.2 trillion overall market cap right now for all Crypto.
After all, this is done, we will be at a factor of 10x to the upside, so 12 trillion, 15 trillion. These numbers are not that crazy. You look at Gold and other assets in relationship to those assets.
It makes sense if Bitcoin, ETH, and the top 10 coins together go to something like 10–15 trillion.
Crypto would still not even be a massive asset class, it’ll be a respectable asset class, but it’s not a massive asset class at 10–15 trillion. So these are the kinds of numbers we’re speaking about.”
Here's how you get your strategy right
I've used this strategy to control my emotions and follow a framework, and it's significant advice.
Ivan Liljeqvist: "Be bearish and risk-averse before Bitcoin's halving and bullish and more aggressive after the halving."
The Bitcoin halving event occurs approximately every four years in the Bitcoin network. It's programmed into the Bitcoin protocol and designed to control the supply of new Bitcoins created.
The number of new Bitcoins generated as a reward for miners' mining blocks reduces by half during the halving. This scarcity is essential to Bitcoin's value proposition and appreciation potential.
If you're new to Crypto, Ivan says to take the time now in the lead-up to the halving or in a short window after to build your capital and education in Crypto, which will help you manage this cycle effectively.
You have time but not to get greedy.
Be educated.
Have capital ready to invest.
Be bullish and take risks after the halving.
He emphasises having a long-term time horizon. It would help if you thought as far out as 2025.
For me, it's further.
Historical indicators of price movements during previous halving events give insight into what could happen during the current halving.
When you see the price movement after each halving event, it becomes evident that Ivan's bullish strategy following the halving is highly logical.
Highlighted in green below strongly supports his approach.
Final Thoughts
Ivan's assessment of the Crypto market increasing by a factor of 10 after each halving based on its current trajectory seems a fair base case.
I like his practical approach.
If you have a plan, you can maximise your opportunities and make the most of the upcoming bull market in the crypto space, provided you're in the market until 2025 and do not have a short-term perspective.
I've found that "time horizon" is the cornerstone of most of my success in allocating capital. Once I understand my time commitment to the market, I can work backwards with a framework, like how much money I can afford to be tied up for that long.
I find the "setting it and forgetting it" mindset to be an effective strategy. And while Ivan may say this is the last chance saloon and there is a hint of truth, believe me, there is no rush.
Undeniably, the opportunity to purchase Ethereum, Bitcoin and Solana at what can only be described as pre-IPO prices or before the stampede arrives will only last for a while.
You have time more time and entry points than you think.
Great read very interesting 👍